Parade Truck - Engine 1
This 1959 GMC Young Firepumper was Golden Shores 1st fire engine. It is primarily used now as a parade truck.
Engine 1
Type 1 Engine. 1250 gpm. 1000 galons compressed air foam. Used primarily in structure fires. This 1994 E-One pumper is refurbished to keep costs down.
Engine 2
1250 gallons per minute, 500 gallons on board. Used as a backup engine in case of break downs. Second out, primarily in structure firefighting. This 1988 KME engine was donated by Rubidoux Fire Department
Rescue 1
Heavy Rescue. 500 gpm. 350 gallon water, 50 gallon class A foam. Used primarily for support on structure fires and motor vehicle accidents. This 1999 Ferrara Freightliner was purchased with tax monies.
Tender 15
750 gallons per minute, 2000 gallons on board. All wheel drive. Used primarily for water supply in structure fires and brush fires. This 2013 International Spartan was purchased in part by the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) monies. The districts portion ($15,000) was paid out of the annual BBQ fund
Tender 10
Type 2 water tender. 750 gpm, 3500 gallons. Used primarily for water supply in structure fires and brush fires. This 1976 Ford was built on a used chassis and purchased with tax monies.
Advanced Life Support Ambulance
Used to transport patients to neighboring hospitals. This 2009 Dodge Sprinter was purchased with BBQ funds and tax monies
Avanced Life Support Ambulance
Used to transport patients to neighboring hospitals. This 2004 Ford was purchased using tax monies